New Staff and Students Officially Welcomed
Thursday, 25 Feb 2021
Staff and students have been formally welcomed to Toi Ohomai at a pōhiri signalling the start of the academic year.
The pōhiri is a formal Māori ceremony held at the beginning of each semester, although formal, a pōhiri is a warm and enjoyable experience.
At Toi Ohomai, pōhiri are used in a wide range of settings and occasions to welcome new staff, new students and visitors to our campuses. We have five campuses that are located in five different tribal regions which have their own customary practices.
This academic year kicked off with pōhiri across all campuses on Monday, February 22.
Senior staff members and Chief Executive Leon Fourie spoke at various pōhiri, welcoming students and giving advice for their year to come.
At the end of the speeches, attendees were invited to shake hands or hongi the hosts. Kai is then on offer to attendees.
Our students also get to kick off the year with Orientation.
Orientation has been held at regional campuses this week, while events are planned for each day next week at the Windermere and Mokoia campuses.
Check out the events listings for Orientation at Mokoia and Windermere.