Application and Enrolment Information

This information may help you with your application or enrolment.


Domestic Student - Definition

To qualify as a domestic student and to be entitled to the Government tuition subsidy, you must be a citizen of New Zealand (including students from the Cook Islands, Tokelau or Niue if you have New Zealand citizenship), or a permanent resident of New Zealand, or a citizen or permanent resident of Australia residing in New Zealand.

Note: International fees apply for those studying outside of New Zealand who do not hold:

  • New Zealand citizenship, or
  • a New Zealand Resident visa, or
  • a New Zealand Permanent Resident visa

Document Validation

What's a Certified Copy of a Document?

A certified copy is a photocopy of your original document, signed as being a true and accurate copy by one of the following:

  • Justice of the Peace (listed in the Yellow Pages)
  • Barrister or Solicitor
  • Member of Parliament
  • Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Courts
  • A member of our team (Toi Ohomai | Te Pūkenga staff can copy originals)

All of the following information must be included on the copy for it to be a certified copy of an original document:

  • the words “original sighted”
  • name, position and signature of person sighting the original document
  • date original was sighted
  • stamp or handwritten confirmation of the institution/organisation/name of the person certifying.

Any change to your legal name must be accompanied by certified documentation of either a birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport, deed poll certificate or certificate of citizenship.
Please note that your name, date of birth and residency as entered on your student enrolment form will be included in the National Student Index, and will be used in an Authorised Information Matching programme with Births, Deaths and Marriages. For further information please visit the National Student Index.

Entry and Admissions Criteria

Academic entry, admission and enrolment criteria can be found on our Regulations page.

Iwi Details and Codes

If you identify yourself as a New Zealand Māori and are unsure of which iwi you belong to, have a look at this list:

Iwi details and codes grouped by region

Recognition of Academic Credit

If you've studied before or have relevant work/life experience, you may be eligible for credit recognition towards the qualification you wish to study with us.

There are several credit recognition pathways available to compare your previous experience with the learning required on one or more of the courses you will be studying. The benefits of considering an application for Credit Recognition are that you avoid having to repeat learning you have already completed, and also that you save time and money by finishing your studies more quickly.

It's important that you discuss any previous education history and relevant work history with an Academic Staff Member who can give you advice about the programme of study you plan to enrol in. 

At Toi Ohomai | Te Pūkenga, the following types of academic credit are recognised:

Cross Credit (CC)

A cross credit is an academic credit given for a course that has been assessed as having being substantially equivalent outcomes to the course in the programme of study in which the student is enrolling.

Credit recognition and transfer (CRT) 

Recognition and transfer of learning already credentialed (cross credit) awarded at a course level, when the previous study is recognised as being substantially equivalent to the course in the programme of study in which the student is enrolling.

Credit transfer (CT)

Recognition of previous credits awarded where the student has completed the same course (or unit standard) in another qualification or institution.

Recognition of current competence (RCC)

Credit based on the assessment of a student’s existing skills and knowledge and assessing them against Toi Ohomai | Te Pūkenga or nationally recognised standards. RCC usually applies to students who have been working in a particular organisation and/or industry sector but do not have formal qualifications recognising that experience. RCC is only applied at the Unit Standard level. 

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) 

Recognition of learning of that may give a student credit through

  • Previous study applied as enrolment with advanced standing
  • Credit which includes skills and knowledge obtained through employment and life experience. 

All of these are reliant on assessing a portfolio of evidence.


We’re here to help - if you'd like to talk with a Toi Ohomai | Te Pūkenga staff member before making an application you're welcome to contact our Information Centre.


If you qualify for a student loan or allowance you'll apply for this assistance directly with StudyLink. It's a good idea to do this as soon as you've made the decision to study so there's enough time for them to process your application and get your payments set up.

Find out more in our Fees and Financial Help section.


Enrolment Terms and Conditions

Toi Ohomai | Te Pūkenga Enrolment Terms and Conditions can be found on our Regulations page.

Tertiary Jargon/Glossary

A list of terms you might come across during your application.

View the jargon buster.

Contact information

Information Centre, Mokoia Campus

07 346 8999

0800 86 46 46

Monday–Friday, 8.00am–4.30pm

I Block, Mokoia Campus

Private Bag 3028, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand

Information Centre, Windermere Campus

07 571 0190

0800 86 46 46

Monday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm

B Block, Windermere Campus

Private Bag 12001, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand